讲座题目:Dynamic Contract under Quick Response ina Supply Chain
主讲人:佟世璐教授, 香港中文大学(深圳)
时间: 2018年11月23日(周五)
地点:文科楼皇冠体育官网1400 14:30-16:30
We investigate contracting issuesunder Quick Response in a supply chain consisting of one manufacturer and oneretailer. The manufacturer sells her seasonal product to the retailer over twoperiods. In the first period, which is before the selling season, none of thefirms know the demand information. The retailer might want to order in thisperiod based on the expected demand due to the low production cost associatedwith the regular production mode at the manufacturer. In the second period,which is the selling season, the retailer can update his demand information.The manufacturer may still produce and supplement the retailer’s stock, but dueto the short duration of this period, only Quick Response can work and theproduction cost has to be higher. We show that the adaption of Quick Responsemay hurt the manufacturer due to the high information rent the retailer asksfor. We also consider the case that the manufacturer can carry over inventoryfrom the first period to the second period. Our analysis shows that carryinginventory may hurt the manufacturer.

佟世璐教授现为香港中文大学(深圳)经管学院运营管理方向负责人,主要研究领域为供应链中的信息共享和信息揭露;考虑顾客策略性行为的供应链决策;信息不对称下的契约设定等,在ManagementScience, MSOM等国际知名期刊上发表多篇学术论文。